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Monday, October 14, 2013

What brought you to Erie?

Major things:  Pax is 6 months.
I love our church.  I'm actually excited for Sundays mornings!
Jonathan taught our first Natural Family Planning class this last month--online.
I learned about GRACE!

In the evenings, I am stressed out.  I have been working very hard at home and now I have my family to gather around and reap what I have worked for.  Well, n-e-w-s-f-l-a-s-h.
It is by the grace of God that my family experiences any love, joy, peace.  It is NOT by my striving, whatsoever.  Well, that's kinda cool if I'm humble.  However!  When my striving is a failure:
pizza's burned
I don't meet husband at the door
phone conversation cut short
poopy diaper
needy infant
kitchen's a disaster
clean laundry everywhere needing folded
dirty laundry everywhere else needing cleaned
multiple dirty diapers waiting to be rinsed
and on top of that, I am cantankerous (uh-oh)
and then I'm upset that I'm cantankerous and ruining everyone's evening
and now our family's all messed up.
well here's my new-found reality:  God's grace is pushing our family on all the more in these events.
His Word says that His grace is with us at all times, but all the more if we have sinned.  Yet we consider ourselves dead to sin and alive in Christ and never pursue sin.  This has been my very good news lately.  The Gospel: Jesus Christ.

I'm getting to know my new friends.  We went to a welcome lunch and met our pastor.  I found out an old friend that may have given up on Jesus Christ decided to persevere in faith.  HALLELUJAH!  A new friend told me she needs faith and I am praying she and her family will come to know the Lord and believe in Him.  A new friend had a baby!  These are true praise worthy things.

More stuff to struggle with:  Jonathan and I really don't know what to make of our life.  We realize that the next twenty years aren't going to live themselves.  Also, we caught ourselves explaining to people that we are in Erie because Jonathan's at LECOM.  Well, initially, but after living in Toccoa because we're paying off loans, we don't want to live that mistake again.  We want to be where we are for greater purpose than this and do what we do for greater purpose.  Yes, we live in Erie because of LECOM, but more-so because of what Christ is doing in us.  I hope!

More later.

1 comment:

  1. Being a mom is tough. And exhausting and lonely at times. Just remember to enjoy your time at home with Pax too - just take a break from all the cleaning, look away from the dishes and the laundry piles and just play with your baby. He doesn't care about the mess, but he sure does love his mommy's attention! Kind of like our relationship with God... He just wants us to climb up in his lap and love on us sometimes. Love you girl!! And love that you realize you CAN'T do it without leaning on Jesus and His grace. Just raising your boy and being a life partner to Jonathan is serving the Lord in a BIG way. <3
