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who am i?

My husband, Jonathan, and I got married in January, 2009.  We were married in Idaho, but honeymooned back to Toccoa, Georgia, where we had separately lived and lived the next year and a half.  While we were there, we worked, paid off loans, tried to have a lot of fun, read a few books, and so on. 
We moved to Idaho in June 2010 and pursued medical careers. And a bigger family.  We had our son in 2013.  Jonathan had set off to be a doctor of osteopathic medicine. I, to be a certified nurse-midwife....maybe?  We both got certified right away as nursing assistants.  He went on to pursue medical school which he officially entered in 2014.  I got my certification as childbirth educator and am still pursuing one as a doula.  Women's wellness is so very exciting to me.  More exciting is the idea to live my life everyday to the fullest--the way God purposed for me.  What can I get out of life?

Time. Time to spend with people I love and my Lord.  Effort.  Effort in even the difficult things, but to persevere in those things, which will prove character.  At home, in the community, online, wherever.  Christ.  Anything that I can take from earth with me is a True Blessing.  Christ is the ultimate Blessing  Fertility awareness.  Family.  People the Lord has picked to be with me until death (and then sometimes after!).
Recently, Jonathan and I have been growing together and in the Lord.  This has been all I've always wanted in life.  The Christian's reward is becoming like God's Son.  He has given us friendships and connection. Yes!
I will continue to trust in the Lord for His growth and direction.  I want to be directed to live life in the most meaningful and thankful way.
I believe the once alive and living again Jesus Christ. His Word is true. He is obviously growing my husband and I in our faith in Him. I am slowly gaining a deeper understanding of what it means to believe: He changes us in accordance to our faith in Him--not in our self-polishing. My job is to lower my expectations for how I can present myself to Him. I find sin in my life and I confess and I realize what I am. Then I realize what I am not and I fix my eyes on the perfecter of my faith.

I grew up on a farm. I have newly realized what it is about me that makes my relationships with regular people so difficult. I call myself 'uncivilized.' What that means to me is not so much that I'm 'indigenous', but that I am not smoothly polished or finely refined by the culture that has raised me.
Growing up, it was that time in-between fights with my siblings and playing with them, when I sought the quietness and the peace of long walks down a dirt road, accompanied only by a few pets and a stream of water. It was in those hours that I got more out of life than most people get in their lifetime-that's what my dad said that made me realize all of this about myself.

the Etc.: I also love animals. I can barely communicate in Spanish. I hope to do that independent study abroad I never got before my degree.

My husband and I practice fertility awareness for birth control--kind of a personal matter, but it's very important that people know it is used and is effective! For 3 1/2 years we avoided getting pregnant and in two cycles we conceived our boy.  Generally, when a couple has unprotected intercourse for 1 year and can't get pregnant, infertility is explored.  With Fertility Awareness, it shouldn't take longer than 6 months.   Fertility awareness is actually being aware of the wife's fertility each day. It's learning and reading and knowing my body and therefore, our Creator.  It's science!

Because of Dr. McDougall's resources and Dr. T. Colin Campbell's research and explanations, I love to learn about nutrition and it's impact on the body for health. Another positive influence: Dr. Dean Ornish, Forks Over Knives,the Esselstyns.  This way of eating was difficult, so we were finding out how to be healthy and keep eating.  Throughout my pregnancy and postpartum, I believe I have found almost optimal health (outside AND in).  We exercised and found (through Jonathan's mom) the Happy Herbivore and her practical, perfectly healthy, and delicious cooking genius.  (google: Lindsey Nixon)  Now we love our food AND our health.

My B.A. is in Christian Education, but what I wanted out of my education was to learn about mentorship and the universal church. To me, mentorship is the most valuable thing to help people along and keep our integrity. I'm not really talking about occupationally, but not necessarily excluding it either.

My passion for mentorship, my love for knowledge of nutrition and health, and my advocacy of fertility awareness led me to my studies.  Women's wellness is exciting to me because I get to help women have awesome families. It's exciting to help in childbirth, but even more exciting is the relationship that grows throughout the lifespan. Educating women is also so exciting to me.
That is the most I should write on an introductory blog, but if you should have questions, read my blog and contact me!
a.k.a. auntelcia, doulaTelcia