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Thursday, September 06, 2012

end of a blog

I guess I'm done with this blog.  I don't really want to keep writing here.  When I first invented this blog, I was so busy and had so much going on, and no friends, that I really felt like I needed some kind of outlet.  But I don't feel like I need to keep this up at all.

The End.

Thanks! aunTelcia


  1. I would be sad, but I see you so often and know what's going on in your life that I don't have to be sad! :)

  2. It was a clever invention though.
    from troy.

  3. I still think it's a great informational-sharing site and would be a great resource as a doula.
    just sayin'... I don't know if you closed it down yet, but I would encourage you to keep it up if I still had the chance.
